Review Version Updates Archive August — September 2021
August – Sept 2021 |
Oct – Dec 2021 |
Jan – March 2022 |
April – June 2022 |
July – Dec 2022 |
Jan – March 2023 | April – September 2023 | October – December 2023 | Jan – March 2024 | Current |
2021.0.0.239 – Stage Deployed 9/29/2021, Production Deployed 9/29/2021
Client Reported Issues
- Users not seeing necessary review actions on first load of envelope REV-1257/REV-1248
- Fix: Envelopes will now correctly show the right review action options when reviewers open envelopes the first time.
New Functionality
- Ability to Receipt filings REV-802
- Clerks will now be able to receipt filings that are a part of proposed order envelopes or configured to not transmit to their case management system.
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Grant, Deny, and Moot actions showing intermittently on envelopes they are not valid for. REV-1252
- Resolved issue so that clerks will only see the proposed order actions on envelopes they are valid for.
- Modified the application logging to return pertinent information.
2021.0.0.236 – Stage Deployed 9/27/2021, Production Deployed 9/28/2021
Client Reported Issues
- Document Security Exception error received REV-1204
- Fix: Reviewers will no longer receive a document security exception error when loading envelopes in locations that do not have document types configured.
- Fillable/editable forms not showing selections or typed information correctly. REV-1133
- Fix: Clerks will now correctly see the data entered on their fillable forms the same as it appears on the original.
- Unable to change filing code on some filings, filing code drop down does not appear. REV-1146
- Fix: Changes to filing code load process resolved errors that were preventing the filing codes from loading.
Verify Party message appears on subsequent filings with no new parties. REV-1139/REV-1215
- Fix: Removed validation for party verification on subsequent filing with existing parties that contain a person id.
List of queues in the Forward action do not match between the new application and Silverlight. REV-1209
- Fix: Identified logic that was looking at the user’s node instead of the case’s location, the wrong set of review rights, and incorrect caching that was resulting in the mismatch.
Linking Attorney to existing party causes Schema Violation errors. REV-1200
- Fix: Resolved issue where the CMSID was not being updated for existing parties.
Some image stamps missing from list of available stamps. REV-1197
- Fix: Resolved an issue within call for stamps that was ignoring certain stamps.
Manual stamps moving in opposite direction of mouse cursor when trying to move as a group. REV-1195
- Fix: Identified an issue with how multi-line stamps that contain at least one blank line and added logic to allow for support
Line and Highlight annotations move from the page they were placed to the first page of the document on saving REV-1134
- Fix: Resolved issue that was resulting in the line and highlight annotations to save to the wrong page
Users receive “You no longer own the lock on this envelope” intermittently after processing the last filing in an envelope. REV-586
- Fix: Identified an issue with the order information is saved and loaded after the last filing is processed.
Save annotation error on some editable form documents. REV-1222
- Fillable/editable forms will no longer error with annotation errors.
User receiving Network Failure message in document viewer. REV-1053
- Fix: Reviewers will no longer receive a network failure message when attempting to view documents in the review tool.
Party Schema errors occurring on some subsequent filing envelopes. REV-1207
- Fix: Resolved issue where the CMSID was not being updated for existing parties
Envelopes returning with errors about parties not committed to CMS. REV-1132
- Fix: Resolved issue with saving the correct information in the CMSID field for verified parties on case initiation envelopes.
New Functionality
- Display fees information in the Envelope Details in the Review Queue and Review History screens. REV-534
- Clerks will now be able to see the fee information for an envelope in the Envelope Details screen.
- Ability to Grant/Deny/Moot filings that a part of a Proposed Order candidate order draft envelope. REV-455/REV-456/REV-457
- Clerks will now have the Grant, Deny, and Moot review actions based on their review rights for envelopes that are a part of a Proposed Order candidate order draft envelope.
- Note: Receipt action is also present for Proposed Order envelopes, but is experiencing issues (REV-802)
- Remaining Proposed Order functionality is still in development including Delete filing, Return to Filer, Ability to see the Judicial Disposition, Ability to see original envelope filings, Ability to replace documents
Internal Bugs
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Defer action being required on all filings. REV-1239
- Updated the client to only require the defer action one time per envelope.
GetFilingCodes parse error. REV-1223
- Removed obsolete logic for loading filing codes no longer needed with new process.
GetFilingCodes timing out. REV-1178
- Adjusted the logic for loading filing codes which will improve query speeds and reduce timeouts.
Inconsistent filing codes. REV-1228
- Updated stored procedure to better match what Silverlight uses to load the filing codes.
Apply waiver payment to candidate order draft envelopes. REV-1191
- Updated logic to automatically add a waiver payment account to Proposed Order candidate order draft envelopes when they submit.
2021.0.0.225 – Stage Deployed 9/22/2021, Production Deployed 9/22/2021
New issues found in stage since upgrade
- This version contained a single bug fix to resolve a critical issue that prevented all errored envelopes from being reviewed. This item was identified in the .222 version, resolved, and patched immediately in an effort to not impact the reviewers.
2021.0.0.222 – Stage Deployed 9/21/2021, Production Deployed 9/22/2021
Client Reported Issues
- Manual text stamps do not honor configured size REV-1034
- Fix: Manual text stamps will now correctly display and stamp as their configured default size.
- There is an outstanding item regarding the system honoring the font size if it is changed during review. (REV-851)
- Seeing duplicate party type codes in the drop down. REV-1101
- Fix: Reviewers will now see the correct number of party type codes in the drop down based on configuration.
- Seeing duplicate filing codes in filing code drop down during review. REV-1187
- Fix: Clerks will now correctly only see the correct number of each filing code in the filing code drop during review based on their configuration.
Cannot resume reviewing envelope with one filing already processing in courts that send all filings to their CMS at the same time. REV-1177
- Fix: The functionality that marks a filing as reviewed and allows the clerks to resume review of the rest of the envelope has been corrected.
- This only impacts courts with integration configuration where all filings in an envelope are transmitted at the same time once the entire envelope is reviewed.
Manual image and texts stamps layer in the wrong order. REV-1093
- Fix: When a manual text stamp is layered over an image stamp, they will now apply in the correct order so the image does not cover the stamp.
- This also impacted some auto stamps where text stamps are layered over image stamps
Inability to see and edit party responsible for fees when a waiver payment account is used. REV-1137
- Fix: Clerks can now correctly see and edit the party responsible for fees on envelopes where a waiver payment account was used, if the location is configured to require a party responsible for fees on waiver filings.
Documents will not load on some filings. REV-1032
- Fix: Documents are now correctly displaying on filings where a document is included and in the correct format to display in the document viewer.
Errors applying annotations to certain documents. REV-1167/REV-1176
- Fix: Clerks should no longer receive errors saving document annotations on documents.
New Functionality
- Display Additional Party information on Criminal Initial envelopes. REV-249
- Clerks will now be able to see the additional demographic information for the necessary parties on criminal initial filings.
- Includes:
- Race
- Hair Color
- Eye Color
- Height
- Weight
- Physical Features
- Includes:
Internal Bugs
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Remove validation from getFilings. REV-1182
- Removed validation that was causing delays in loading filing information.
Forward Queue dropdown is missing. REV-1208
- Resolved issue that was resulting in the drop-down box to select the envelope for forwarding to disappear.
Null reference error when accepting a filing where there are no annotations. REV-1175
- Resolved an issue that was resulting in an unnecessary save on filings where there were no annotations.
Return meaningful error message on Proposed Order filings that cannot be reviewed by user. REV-1163
Updated the error message to clearly identify why a user could not review a proposed order envelope.
- Proposed order envelopes require that the reviewing clerk have a waiver payment account in their firm. The site was throwing an error when a user did not have this payment account type in their firm. We’re also adding logic to automatically add this waiver payment account to a firm like Silverlight does
Updated the error message to clearly identify why a user could not review a proposed order envelope.
Add username to database logs. REV-1192
- Username will now be stored in the database logs to help troubleshoot issues
2021.0.0.210 – Stage Deployed 9/13/2021, Production Deployed 9/14/2021
New issues found in stage since upgrade
- Some envelopes are taking an excess of 1 minute to load filings and documents. This happens the first time an envelope loads in a given browser, and each time after that the envelope loads in approximately 4 seconds. Development is investigating.
Client Reported Issues
- Filing section and associated documents will not load intermittently REV-1168
- Fix: The filings section and documents will now load in all browsers without errors.
- Note the information above, some envelopes do experience longer load time in these areas. We are continuing to investigate this new slowness
- Updating the Docket Date does not update file stamp on acceptance. REV-1156
- Fix: Auto and manual stamps that utilize the docket date token will now correctly reflect the correct docket date when it has been edited during review.
- Missing ability to edit Docket Date time. REV-1114
- Fix: Clerks with the applicable review rights can now update the docket date time when editing the docket date.
Reviewers unable to select Judge on case initiation. REV-1154
- Fix: Clerks will once again have the ability to select a judge from the drop down in the case information section when a case is configured to allow manual judge selection.
Reviewers seeing more case categories than expected in review. REV-1110
- Fix: Clerks will now see the correct listing of case categories when reviewing initial envelopes for their location
Reviewers receive errors when opening some envelopes in the review tool. REV-1174
- Fix: Clerks will no longer receive errors regarding case information when opening envelopes in the review tool.
Manual stamp text boundaries are oversized and split up multiple lines of text. REV-1160
- Fix: The boundary boxes around the individual lines in manual text stamps are now correctly sized to the text.
Errors received when trying to load review queue. REV-1165
- Packages related to the update and the server upgrades needed to be updated.
Errors received loading party data on envelopes. REV-1164
- Clerks will no longer receive errors loading parties in review.
New Functionality
- Ability to create new users in Court Admin. REV-468
- Court administrators can now create new users in their firms and grant them the necessary roles.
- Ability to edit existing users in Court Admin. REV-467
- Court administrators now have the ability to edit existing users in their firms under the court admin screen.
- Begin editing a user by hovering over their row and clicking the pencil icon on the right hand side
- Ability to Submission Fail envelopes. REV-363
- Clerks will now have the ability to submission fail envelopes if they have access to the review action in their rights profile.
Internal Bugs
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
UI Adjustments for User Admin. REV-1166
- Made adjustments to notification section to have it match the User Roles section (stylistic change).
Move +Add for Case Cross Reference. REV-290
- Removed the Add button and moved it to the bottom of the list, formatted as a link to match other + add functionality in the UI (stylistic change).
2021.0.0.192 – Stage Deployed 9/7/2021
Client Reported Issues
- Unable to review envelopes that contain non-pdf documents REV-1141
- Fix: Reviewers will now see a link in the center of the document area that allows for the downloading and viewing of non-pdf documents. (REV-777)
- Receiving “Party Must be Verified” on subsequent filing with no new parties. REV-1139
- Fix: Cases with parties who were verified on initial filing will no longer indicate they need to be verified during subsequent filing.
- Filing Codes missing during review. REV-1065
- Fix: Clerks will now correctly see all filing codes that should be available based on case information in the filing code drop down.
Error messages received when changing filing codes. REV-1102
- Fix: Clerks will now be able to consistently change filing codes without receiving error messages.
New Functionality
- Display number of redactions in the current document. REV-326
- Clerks will now be able to see the number of redactions in the document they are viewing, if redaction is enabled for that court and redaction was performed by the filer.
- Display “No Parties Found” if search returns no results. REV-1130
- Clerks will now see a “No Parties Found” message when using the search box in the Parties section and no results match their typed search.
- Include attorney in the party search. REV-1007
- Clerks will now be able to search by attorney in the party search box on the parties screen.
- Allow users to manage their preferences and notification settings. REV-488
- Clerks can now manage their reviewer preferences and their notification settings from the User Profile screen.
- Allow users to enable Auto-Refresh in the Review History screen. REV-451
- Clerks can now enable the auto refresh feature in the Review History screen.
- Screen will automatically refresh every 60 seconds.
Internal Bugs
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Second edit of Case Information does not save. REV-1143
- Multiple edits in the Case Information section will now correctly save when moving to another section, ending review, or taking action on a filing.
2021.0.0.184 – Stage Deployed 8/31/2021, Production on 9/1/2021
Client Reported Issues
- Error removing optional party that is also Party Responsible for Fees REV-985
- Fix: The error message presented was vague and indicated only that there was an error with the party. The error has been updated to indicate that this party is the party responsible for fees.
- The party must be removed as responsible for fees and a new one selected before it can be deleted from the case.
- Case number not showing in Case Information section. REV-1009
- Fix: Case number has been added to the top of the Case Information section on the left side.
- Clerks will also be able to set the case number manually from this section if needed like they could in Silverlight
- Use Filer Party Info on Verify Parties screen missing State field. REV-1031
- Fix: The state field will correctly display when using the “User Filer Party Info” option in Verify Parties.
Manual Text Stamps not honoring size configuration. REV-1034
- Fix: Manual text stamps will now correctly display and burn into documents using the font size they are configured to have.
Review Queues do not match between Silverlight and the new tool. REV-1041
- Fix: Clerks will now correctly see only the queues they should have access to both in the review queue and when forwarding envelopes during review based on their rights.
Review History errors when user selects more than 26 reviewers. REV-1043
- Fix: Clerks can now select as many users in the list as desired without errors
- Additionally, clerks can now select all reviewers from within this list using the new Select All option. REV-1035
Actions taken du ring previous review session do not show on errored envelopes. REV-1045
- Fix: The filings list and document drop down will now correctly reflect the actions taken on filings in an errored envelope to better help the clerks decide the action they should take when reviewing after the error is completed.
- This will reflect as a green check mark for acceptance and a red x for rejection
Case types not showing their associated fee amounts in the code list as expected. REV-1046
- Fix: Clerks will now see the Case Type name and the amount of fees for the case type, if the case is configured to have them, when looking in the Case Information section.
Remove Party(s) must be verified Information Message. REV-1091
- Fix: This message has been removed.
- Clerks reported the message at the top of the screen was confusing for clerks and interrupted their standard business process.
Clerks receiving Filing Code errors on filings when accepting filings. REV-1104
- Fix: Clerks can now select the necessary filing codes in the filings section and accept those filings without errors.
Optional service fees not removed from filings as expected when the filing code is changed. REV-1116
- Fix: When a clerk changes a filing code to one that does not have the same optional service fees configured for it, the system will now correctly remove the invalid optional services and display a message to the reviewer.
Application automatically ends review and returns user to the review queue after stamping and accepting one filing. REV-1119
- Fix: Clerks will now be able to stamp and accept all filings in the envelope without being taken out and returned to the queue in between filings.
New Functionality
- Display Procedures/Remedies, and Damages Sought information. REV-237
- When configured to collect this information, clerks will now see the Procedures, Remedies, or Damages Sought information in the Case Information section
Internal Bugs
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Case Number is not displaying in Envelope Details view. REV-1020
- The case number as been added to both the header and the Case Information section in envelope details
Process notes are not correctly defaulting to the page being viewed by reviewer. REV-1038
- Process notes will now automatically add the page number of the page of the document being viewed by the reviewer at the time the note is saved
Ability to add new parties in review does not honor all configuration. REV-1052
- The Add New Parties button will now honor all configuration that would turn off this feature for reviewers in environments where users may not be allowed to add new parties on either initial or subsequent filing.
Case description does not display in initial filings. REV-1064
- The case description field will now correctly display as read only on initial filings.
Review tool should save case and envelope information on end review without prompting the reviewer. REV-1105
- Reviewers will no longer be prompted with a “Are you sure” message upon ending review when changes have been made in the case or envelope information sections. The save will happen automatically.
Move the Add New Party button above the search box on the party list screen. REV-1106
- Design modification to help prevent the button from appearing in different locations depending on if the envelope is initial or subsequent.
Case number remains required even after location is changed. REV-1127
- The case number field showed as required on cases where the location configuration does not require manual case number entry. This has been resolved.
Close and Continue buttons missing from Verify Parties screen. REV-1131
- A change temporarily removed the Close and Continue buttons on the screen, preventing the user from moving forward. This has been resolved.
2021.0.0.162 – Deployed to Stage on 8/23/2021, Production on 8/24/2021
Client Reported Issues
- Auto stamps that include images and text apply incorrectly, resulting in the image covering the text. REV-1063
- Fix: The order for committing the stamps to the document was adjusted so that image stamps apply first, and text second.
- An additional ticket was opened to resolve this with manual stamps, which is still unresolved (REV-1093)
- Manual image stamps do not stay on the page they were placed. REV-1054
- Fix: Manual image stamps will now correctly commit to the page and location of the document they were placed.
- Court Transaction fee not showing in fee details during review. REV-1023
- Fix: The Court Transaction fee will now correctly show in the fee information during review in the fees section.
Auto stamps show as rotated 90 degrees on some documents. REV-1003
- Fix: Auto stamps will display and commit to the correct location on the document, based on configuration.
Document security not correctly pre-populating on filings, resulting in errors. REV-951
- Fix: Document security will correctly display, save, and transmit on filings as configured.
New Functionality
- Ability to see firm users in Court Admin screen. REV-466
- The first phase of the Court Admin screen, displays Users
- Available inside the hamburger menu in the upper left-hand corner
- Allows for searching and filtering of users by roles as well as first name, last name, and email address
- Does not support editing or adding at this time, will be available in a future update
- All additional tabs will be available in a future update
- Ability to create Process Notes. REV-173
- Clerks now have the ability to add and view process notes on envelopes during review
- Supports the ability to create a process note for a filing
Includes a comment field, a page number field, and a “Viewable By” picker
- Current version defaults to page 1 of the current document, but can be changed manually
- Future update will automatically detect the page number the clerk is viewing (REV-1038)
- Displays process notes in newest to oldest order
- Accessed through the comments icon in the document header bar (between the thumbnail and zoom out icons)
- Displays a red indicator when an envelope has notes
- Note: known issue with the way the “Viewable By” picker is currently working. Need to choose “All Users” from the drop down to display notes. Will be resolved in a future update (REV-1092)
Internal Bugs
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Partially reviewed envelopes are locked in “processing” in locations where all filings are transmitted at the same time. REV-1072
A new status of “Reviewed” will show on filings that have been accepted/rejected, until the full envelope has been processed and transmitted to the CMS
- For courts whose integration requires all filings to be sent at one time.
A new status of “Reviewed” will show on filings that have been accepted/rejected, until the full envelope has been processed and transmitted to the CMS
Remove “Queues” from Review History filters. REV-984
- The queues filter was incorrectly included in the Review History screen and has been removed.
2021.0.0.155 – Deployed to Stage on 8/16/2021, Production on 8/17/2021
Client Reported Issues
Improve Review Queue Load performance. REV-1006
- Fix: Review queue load time has been improved to help reduce wait time for clerks
Manual Stamps not transmitting to CMS. REV-1004
- Fix: Manual stamps are now correctly saving and transmitting on documents after acceptance.
Manual stamps shifting on the document after acceptance. REV-864
- Fix: Manual stamps are now correctly staying in the location where the reviewer placed them on the document.
New Functionality
Ability to auto refresh the review queue. REV-322
- Clerks now have the ability to toggle on the option to auto refresh the review queue.
- A new Auto Refresh check box has been added to the left side filters, under the Show Deferred check box.
- Selecting the check box and clicking apply will result in the Review Queue automatically refreshing every 60 seconds
- Clerks can still reload the queue manually through the apply button as needed.
- Review History will be completed in a later update
Ability to add a new party to cases. REV-241
- Clerks now have the ability to add new parties on cases as they can in Silverlight
- From the Party list screen a new + Add New Party Button
- Honors configuration for courts who do not allow parties to be added on subsequent filing
Internal Bugs
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Case number token displays as “undefined”. REV-1039
- When a manual stamp with the case number token was applied it incorrectly showed “undefined”
Envelopes temporarily unable to be accepted. REV-1030
- Clerks were seeing errors indicating they did not own the lock on the envelope. This has been resolved
Party Attorney Panel displaying in the wrong location. REV-1025
- While working on changes to the party panel, the attorney section was incorrectly relocated to the bottom of the screen
Other Version Updates August – Sept 2021 | Oct – Dec 2021 | Jan – March 2022 | April – June 2022 | July – Dec 2022 | Jan – March 2023 | April – September 2023 | October – December 2023 | Jan – March 2024 | Current |