Review Version Updates Archive January — March 2022
August – Sept 2021 |
Oct – Dec 2021 |
Jan – March 2022 |
April – June 2022 |
July – Dec 2022 |
Jan – March 2023 | April – September 2023 | October – December 2023 | Jan – March 2024 | Current |
2021.0.0.601 – Stage Deployed 3/30/2022, Production Deployed 3/31/2022
Client Reported Issues
Clerks getting warning about annotations processing when trying to accept filings REV-1771
- Fix: The user will no longer get warnings about annotations still processing after applying a stamp then selecting an action.
New Functionality
None for this update
Internal Fixes
None for this update
2021.0.0.592 – Stage Deployed 3/24/2022
Client Reported Issues
Missing CMS Document type description in Filing panel REV-1778
- Fix: Clerks should now correctly see the CMS configured document type code for the filing code they are viewing if they are configured to use the Document Security Group configuration
New Functionality
None for this update
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environment or are backend non-UI changes*
Stage GetPartyInformation ‘Conversion failed’ exception error REV-1779
- Resolved an error received when a party on a case had a non-integer CMS Party ID
2021.0.0.590 – Stage Deployed 3/23/2022
Client Reported Issues
MN (STAGE) - Minnesota Judicial Branch - Unable to view/change document security options on a filing REV-1774
- Fix: The Document Security dropdown displays regardless of the visibility setting of the data field config
MN (STAGE) - Minnesota Judicial Branch - Error Message received when Filing Code is changed and unable to accept the filing REV-1775
- Fix: Correct configuration issue reported by MN and ME
New Functionality
None for this update
Internal Fixes
None for this update
2021.0.0.585 – Feature Deployment to Stage 3/22/2022
Client Reported Issues
Review tool case information drop down showing too many locations REV-1036
- Fix: Additional adjustments were made to base this drop down on the reviewer’s review right only. Previously this also looked at the rights for the Court Admin role
Review History Export issues REV-1432, REV-1762
- Fix: Reverted the Review History export back to a format that matches the format of the Silverlight site, including the same columns and data, instead of the format that is found on the Envelope Lookup export
New Functionality
Display a summary of the envelope’s information in a new tab during review REV-1698, REV-1764, REV-1768, REV-1702
- We’ve introduced a new tab during review marked as the All tab
- This new tab will display before the case information section and will be the first tab shown to reviewers when they begin reviewing an envelope
- Two sections have been added to this area: Case Information and Filings
- These two sections will show information that can be seen on the Case and Filings tabs
- This data will be read only, and cannot be edited from this view
- To make edits clerks will still need to go to the appropriate tab on the left-hand side
- Additional sections will be added to this tab in future updates so that this pane eventually shows data from each of the left side tabs for review by the clerks
Ability to add/replace documents during review on Proposed Order child envelopes REV-459, REV-1739
- Clerks will now have the ability to remove and upload new documents on envelopes that are a part of a draft envelope in the proposed order workflow like they could in Silverlight
- Clerks will now see a delete “trashcan” icon next to the documents in the envelope that will allow them to remove documents that should be replaced
- Clerks will also see an upload section beside the filing component that allows them to attach new documents as needed where the component allows
- This is still based on configuration where a certain type may only allow one document and others (attachments) allow multiples
- Clerks will be required to ensure that all components include a document where the component requires it for the filing code (lead is required, attachments are optional)
- If a clerk replaces a document or adds a new one, they will be required to save the filing before they can move to the next one
- Once the new document is saved, it will render in the document section in the middle of the screen with the correct configured stamps in place
Internal Fixes
None for this update
2021.0.0.565 – Stage Deployed 3/14/2022, Production Deployed 3/17/2022
Client Reported Issues
Review tool case information drop down showing too many locations REV-1036
- Fix: The Location picker on Case Information will now only display locations the user has access to
ESC can be used to reject/return envelope, bypassing rejection reason code REV-1678
- Fix: ESC key will now close the rejection reason/comment dialog instead of acting as if the user clicked the confirmation button
MN Prod - Able to reject filing without providing rejection reason or confirming REV-1711
- Fix: Clicking the rejection button then clicking another filing in in the envelope while the rejection box is open will close the dialog rather than acting as if the user clicked the confirmation button.
Filing Code and Case Type description are missing on Filing History export REV-1761
- Fix: Updated the export file on the Filing History to resemble the Silverlight export more closely including adding the Filing Code and Case Type
New Functionality
None for this update
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environment or are backend non-UI changes*
GetReviewHistory “String or binary data would be truncated” REV-1605
- Updates made to temp tables to prevent string truncation on the filed by and attorney fields
Create GetFilingCaseSummary API REV-1696
- Created API to support displaying case information on the upcoming summary tab
Add Service Contact address validates for 5-digit zip code with foreign address REV-1719
- Addresses that are NOT in the US will allow for a free form entry on the zip code field
Create GetDocumentUploadRestrictions AWS/EFM API REV-1751
- Created API needed to support the upcoming ability to upload new documents on proposed order draft envelopes
2021.0.0.557 – Stage Deployed 3/7/2022, Production Deployed 3/10/2022
Client Reported Issues
Filing Description label is missing when field is blank REV-1587
- Fix: The Filing Description label now displays whether the field is populated or not.
Fees not being removed when filing code is changed REV-1740
- Fix: Additional service fees will not longer remain when a filing code is changed to one without those service fees.
New Functionality
None for this update
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environment or are backend non-UI changes*
Review History Export issues REV-1432
- Review now exports all envelope and filing information in both Review History and Envelope Lookup in CSV format for the filters applied.
Envelopes lose their location when opened REV-1744
- Corrected Case Information so Location will continue to display correctly as selected in the filing.
2021.0.0.546 – Stage Deployed 2/28/2022, Production Deployed 3/3/2022
Client Reported Issues
Unable to open transmitted documents in review history or envelope look up REV-1099
- Fix: Links to transmitted documents from envelope look up in the review history and envelope look up screens will now correctly download and allow clerks to see the document as expected
Pressing enter when using free text annotation adds a box icon in the text instead of adding a carriage return as expected REV-1315
- Fix: Added coding to support the ability use the enter key when entering text using the text annotation tool
Bounding boxes on text stamps are too small, making it look like letters (in part or whole) are missing REV-1549
- Fix: Adjusted the size of the bounding box to it’s maximum to ensure that all parts of the text can be seen as expected
New Functionality
None for this update
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environment or are backend non-UI changes*
- Migrate repos from BitBucket to GitHub REV-1667
Clicking outside of modals inside of Court Admins dismisses the box unexpectedly REV-1710
- Adjusted the modal design so that users cannot exit the modals in the Court Admin screen by click outside of them. Users will need to use the cancel or save buttons to exit as expected
Allow Court Admins to specifically select the parent node as the only selection on a role REV-1718
- Updated the selector to allow users to select the parent location in the node selector for a role without having to have one of the child locations also selected
Manual Accept dialog box always displays REV-1728
- Corrected code that was prompting this box to always be open after making changes to support new user preference feature
Removing a service contact from one party looks like it has removed it from all parties incorrectly REV-1720
- Resolved a display issue that presented while testing functionality for the “remove service contact” functionality
2021.0.0.530 – Stage Deployed 2/21/2022, Production Deployed 2/24/2022
Client Reported Issues
Annotate, stamp, and rotate should honor the user’s review rights REV-1487, REV-1211
- Fix: Clerks will no longer see the rotate, annotate or stamp options if their review rights for the queue do not allow it
- Clerks that do not have the right to add stamps, highlights, lines, text, or rotate pages will no longer see these options while reviewing envelopes
- Fix: Clerks will no longer see the rotate, annotate or stamp options if their review rights for the queue do not allow it
Users seeing envelopes in various screens that they should not see based off their roles and the locations they are granted at REV-1693, REV-1714
- Fix: Updates have been made to the roles that are assessed when looking at the following screens
- Review queue: Assesses locations for the Reviewer, Judicial Disposition Officer, Batch Reviewer roles only
- Review History: Assesses locations for the Reviewer, Judicial Disposition Officer, Batch Reviewer and Court Admin roles
- Envelope Lookup: Assesses locations for the Reviewer, Judicial Disposition Officer, Batch Reviewer and Court Admin roles
- This behavior follows what Silverlight did.
- Note: if you are not seeing the locations expected in one of these screens (too many or too few), confirm that your account only has access to the locations needed for the roles referenced above and adjust access as needed
- Fix: Updates have been made to the roles that are assessed when looking at the following screens
New Functionality
None for this update
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environment or are backend non-UI changes*
- Create Remove Case Service Contact APIs REV-1544
- Built backend API messages to allow for removing service contacts from cases
Service contacts names overlap next party REV-1690
- Corrected the user interface so that long names on service contacts no longer overlap the next party in the list
Edit and Sort service contact issues REV-1715
- Corrected various issues with the sort order of service contacts in the list and how edited information displays in the UI
Canceling out of locations panel when editing roles for a user in Court Admin clears all checked locations REV-1717
- Resolved an issue where clicking cancel while editing locations for user roles caused all check boxes to be unchecked
Case types not populating at non-integrated nodes for some envelopes REV-1708
- Case types now correctly reflect in the drop down when filing into a case that has not been eFiled before at a non-integrated node
2021.0.0.521 – Stage Deployed 2/14/2022, Production Deployed 2/17/2022
Client Reported Issues
Roles added to users through Court Admin do not save, specifically in states with a large org chart structure REV-1655
- Fix: Clerks in all environments can now add roles to their users and have them save as expected
New Functionality
Ability to update service contact method on Proposed Order child draft envelopes REV-1673
- Courts that utilize the proposed order functionality in the review tool can update the service contact method on service contacts as a part of their process when working child draft envelopes.
- This is parity with what clerks could do in Silverlight
- Courts that utilize the proposed order functionality in the review tool can update the service contact method on service contacts as a part of their process when working child draft envelopes.
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environment or are backend non-UI changes*
- Case Service Contact APIs REV-1537, REV-1672
- Built back in API messages to allow for managing service contacts on cases
Service contacts added to new parties that have not been committed to the CMS showing under “Other” REV-1691
- Resolved an issue so that all service contacts show as related to the correct party during review
2021.0.0.511 – Stage Deployed 2/7/2022, Production Deployed 2/10/2022
Client Reported Issues
Auto Stamps are not honoring configuration – bold and right aligned REV-1249
Fix: Auto stamps will now correctly reflect as bold and right aligned when they are configured to be
- Additional tickets are opened for bold and italic configuration on manual stamps
Fix: Auto stamps will now correctly reflect as bold and right aligned when they are configured to be
- Date of birth does not correctly display the same way it was entered by filer REV-1264
- Fix: Dates of birth and dates of death will now correctly reflect the date in the same format that the filer entered.
- Users will also receive an “Invalid Date” error for any dates entered that are older than 1800
- Fix: Dates of birth and dates of death will now correctly reflect the date in the same format that the filer entered.
- Clerks seeing more case types than should be available during review REV-1446
- Fix: Case types will now only display those that are available based on location, case category, and initial filing
- Rename the link for the filer’s document from “Original” to “Download” REV-1592
- Fix: The link shown in the review tool that allows clerks to download the filer’s original document has been changed from “Original” to “Download”
- Multi Accept does not follow configuration of filing codes that cannot be accepted REV-1643
- Fix: Filings whose codes are configured to not allow acceptance (configured to not send to CMS) will not show up in the list of filings when using the multi accept feature
New Functionality
-None for this update-
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
- Envelope can’t be saved after changing case info REV-1680
- Resolved missing update to input parameters after a change to the stored procedure
- Create GetServiceTypes EFM and AWS APIs REV-1674
- Added new APIs needed to support managing service contacts in the application
2021.0.0.505 – Stage Deployed 1/31/2022, Production Deployed 2/3/2022
Client Reported Issues
Duplicate case type codes and filing codes displaying in review queue filters REV-1033
Fix: Adjusted the case type and filing code filters so they only display codes that are present in the current envelopes displayed on the screen.
- Note: The list of visible codes in these two filters will reflect what is present based on the filters that are currently applied.
Fix: Adjusted the case type and filing code filters so they only display codes that are present in the current envelopes displayed on the screen.
- Process notes incorrectly display notes that should not be visible to users outside of the user’s organization REV-1092
- Fix: Users will now correctly only see process notes that they should be able to see based on how the process note was defined during creation.
- Notes set to “My organization” will only be visible to users in the creator’s firm who have access to review that envelope
- Notes set to “All” will be available to all users in the system, regardless of firm, who have access to review that envelope
- Fix: Users will now correctly only see process notes that they should be able to see based on how the process note was defined during creation.
- Process note screen incorrectly shows two save buttons field REV-1138
- Fix: the extra Save Note button has been removed from the Process Note panel
- Document description changes when filing code is updated, when location configuration is set to use the file name REV-1363
- Fix: Updated the code to no longer update the document description field to match the filing code, if the location is not configured to use the filing code description as the default value for the field
- In this scenario the description will persist the file name or whatever the filer might have entered during filing when the filing code is updated
- This matches the Silverlight behavior for this configuration
- Fix: Updated the code to no longer update the document description field to match the filing code, if the location is not configured to use the filing code description as the default value for the field
- Clerks able to select a case type that should not be visible REV-1376
- Fix: Updated logic so that the correct case types display as options for clerks when reviewing initial envelopes
- Scroll bar missing on copied envelope information panel REV-1647
- Fix: Added a scroll bar to the envelope information panel that displays in the review tool when viewing the original envelope that a copied envelope was submitted from to allow clerks to see all necessary information
- Remove Save/Next button on Verify Party panel when user gets to last party in the list REV-1649
- Fix: Removed the Save/Next button on the verify party panel to match the changes made to the Filings and Party panel made in the last update
- New party can’t be added to filing REV-1654
- Fix: Resolved an issue that resulted in users getting an error when adding a new party to a case during review
New Functionality
Add additional information beside the Envelope number at the top of the review tool REV-1169
- The case number and submit date have been added to the top of the screen for easier visibility while users are on other screens where this information is not visible
- Display Parent envelope filings for proposed order envelopes REV-1234
- Courts who utilize the proposed order functionality can now see the filings and associated documents for filings that were submitted as a part of the original proposed order submission by the filer.
- This functionality mimics the behavior seen in the Silverlight site
- When viewing a draft order filing, clerks will have a new “Proposed Filings” tab on the filings list view
- This view will show the filing code of all other filings that were included in the filer’s original submission and contain links to download and view the documents that were associated with those filings
- Courts who utilize the proposed order functionality can now see the filings and associated documents for filings that were submitted as a part of the original proposed order submission by the filer.
- Display Judicial Disposition on submitted Proposed Order filings list REV-1253
- The filings list will now show the decision taken by the judicial reviewer on proposed order filings.
- This information will display under the Filing Description in the list pane
- There is an additional future task to show this information and any comments in the filing details list
- The filings list will now show the decision taken by the judicial reviewer on proposed order filings.
- Only display locations in Location filters (Queue, History, and Lookup) where a user has rights to review REV-1455
- Clerks will now only see the locations listed in their Locations filter where they have rights.
- This looks at the locations for the Reviewer, Court Admin, and Judicial Disposition Officer role
- Clerks will now only see the locations listed in their Locations filter where they have rights.
- Allow Court Admins to manage Attorneys in their firm REV-1500
- Clerks now have the ability to manage attorneys in their firm through the Court Admin page
- This allows clerks to add and remove attorneys from their firm without having to go to the eFiling interface
HOTFIX – Stage Deployed 1/28/2022, Production Deployed 1/28/2022
Updates did not include a change to viewer (user interface) so the version number did not change.
Client Reported Issue
- Image stamps disappearing after forward or end review, but persist on acceptance. REV-1665
- Fix: Image stamps now render correctly in the Review App as well as persisting upon acceptance.
- Clients are getting errors about missing Arial Bold font. REV-1666
- Fix: A commonly used font was not being converted correctly on some servers. A change was made so that the it could process correctly.
HOTFIX – Stage Deployed 1/26/2022, Production Deployed 1/27/2022
Updates did not include a change to viewer (user interface) so the version number did not change.
Client Reported Issue
- A New Party can't be added to filing REV-1654
- Fix: Parties can now be added during review of initial and subsequent envelopes by clicking the "+ Add New Party" link. This issue was reported in Stage and the fix will be included in 2021.0.0.480 when deployed to Production.
2021.0.0.480 – Stage Deployed 1/24/2022, Production Deployed 1/27/2022
Client Reported Issues
- Do not display “Save/Next” button when displaying the last party or filing in an envelope REV-926
- Fix: Clerks will no longer have the “Save/Next” button if they are viewing the last filing or last party in the envelope they are viewing. Instead, clerks will only see the Save button in this scenario. Saving will return them to the list of filings/parties
- Initial stamp token does not display middle initial REV-1476
- Fix: Stamps using the initials token will now correctly display a middle initial when a user’s name contains information in the middle name field
- Proposed Order draft envelopes do not display a date in the submitted field REV-1627
- Fix: Draft order envelopes created as a part of the proposed order process will now display their create date in the submitted field column until they have been granted, denied, or mooted. Upon submission they will show the submit date
- Filings in envelopes with multiple filings cannot be rejected REV-1646
- Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented clerks from rejecting filings in envelopes with multiple filings, where part of the envelope was reviewed during a previous review session. Clerks can now correctly reject filings that need to be rejected over multiple sessions
New Functionality
Ability to add a new attorney for the purpose of linking to a case party during review REV-288
- Clerks can now add new attorneys during review for the purpose of linking to a party where the attorney that should be shown on the party but is not available in the list of attorneys in the submitter’s firm (if the location is configured to allow reviewers to take this action
- A new button “Add Firm Attorney” will display from the View Attorneys screen when viewing the filing details in an envelope
- If a location is configured to require verification, the user will be prompted to provide a bar number and verify. Successful verification will return the attorney information from the CMS and allow users to save the attorney. That attorney can then be selected as an attorney for that party from the list
- If a location does not require verification, the user will be prompted to provide a bar number as well as a name for the attorney being added. Upon saving the attorney can be selected as an attorney for the party from the list.
- Allow full queue names to be read in review queue filter REV-949
- Filters for review queues, filing codes, case types, and locations have been expanded to show more information, allowing clerks to see full names as needed
- Additionally, filter badges have been added to the top of the screen to display the filters that the clerk has applied
- The Envelope number and Case number filters have been adjusted to be always expanded to remove an extra click when a clerk wants to search for a specific case number or envelope number in the review queue
- Note: These adjustments have only been applied to the review queue at this time to give users an opportunity to test and provide feedback on further changes
- Bugs/issues with functionality should be submitted as normal through the support incident system.
- Suggestions and feedback can be sent directly to
- We will plan to make any necessary adjustments to the review queue filters, then adjust the filters on the remaining screens (Review History and Envelope Lookup) in a future update approximately 1 month from now.
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Internal Fixes
2021.0.0.462 – Stage Deployed 1/14/2022, Production Deployed 1/20/2022
Client Reported Issues
- Party list displays in alphabetical order instead of by required party type order REV-717
- Fix: Parties should now display in the correct display order where required party types show first, in the order they are configured and non-required parties are listed next.
Manual stamps applying more than once when placed on a document in envelopes where there are multiple documents REV-1626
- Fix: Resolved an issue that resulted in stamps applying the same number of times as the number of documents the reviewer had looked at. Stamps will only apply once for each place they are added to a document
Stamp usability improvements REV-1631, REV-1489
Fix: The following usability improvements were made in this update:
- Stamps will no longer continue to be active from one envelope to the next. If a clerk ends review with a stamp selected in the right side stamp panel, the stamp will release on end review as it did with the Silverlight application.
- Stamps and annotations are now mutually exclusive. Clicking a stamp in the stamp panel will deselect the selected annotation type and vice versa.
- Annotation tools will now be highlighted when they are selected, for visibility and can now be toggled off by clicking the annotation icon a second time like in the Silverlight application or by pressing the esc. key
Fix: The following usability improvements were made in this update:
New Functionality
- Ability to update own username REV-470
- Users now have the ability to update their username under the Profile section on their account
- Ability to reset own password REV-471
- Users now have the ability to reset their password under the Profile section on their account
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Create GetProposedOrderFiling AWS and EFM APIs REV-1233
- Created backend APIs needed for proposed order functionality
Determine if Docket Date Reason is turned on using updated logging REV-1622
- Adjusted docket date functionality to use updated logging to help determine if the feature is enabled
2021.0.0.459 – Stage Deployed 1/13/2022, Production Deployed 1/13/2022
Client Reported Issues
- Roles added to users by Court Admins do not save REV-1637
- Fix: Resolved an issue what was resulting in saves made to users in the court admin screen to not persist.
2021.0.0.451 – Stage Deployed 1/10/2022, Production Deployed 1/13/2022
Client Reported Issues
- Manual annotations shifting on documents after placement REV-1459
- Fix: Manually added annotations such as text boxes should no longer shift to different locations after saving through actions like acceptance, forwarding, or end review
Unable to remove attorney from a verified party REV-1480
- Fix: Clerks should no longer receive an error message when attempting to remove an attorney from a party that has been verified
Return cursor to pointer to allow moving after placing stamp REV-1623
Fix: The cursor now turns into a pointer so the stamp can be moved immediately and prevents another stamp being placed on that stamp.
- Intentionally overlapping stamps can be applied by moving the stamps once they are placed on the document.
Fix: The cursor now turns into a pointer so the stamp can be moved immediately and prevents another stamp being placed on that stamp.
New Functionality
- Display Case Level Address Information REV-122, REV-385, REV-386
- Courts configured to collect a case level address from filers during submission can now see and edit the information in the Case Information section
- Ability to Accept or Reject/Return multiple filings at the same time in a single envelope (REV-826) – RE-ENABLED
- Clerks now have the ability to accept or reject/return more than one filing at the same time during review of an envelope
- New link under the accept and reject/return action buttons “Select Multiple Filings”
- Clicking the link will produce a list of all filings inside the envelope and allow the clerk to select multiple filings that they would like to take the same action on
- Users will only be able to select filings that have been viewed during the review session
- If a filing has not been viewed the check box will be greyed out
- All filings that are actioned using the multi option will receive the same reasons and comments
- If filings should have different reasons or comments provided, the traditional single review option should be used
- Filings that were accepted or rejected using the traditional single review functionality will show with a green acceptance check mark or a red rejection X in the list and have their check box greyed out when a clerk chooses to use the multi review action of the same type
- However, the action taken during the traditional single review process can be changed in the multi review menu.
- Filings that were accepted can be rejected/returned, filings that were rejected/returned can be accepted, thus changing the decision on that filing during multi-review.
- Users can toggle back to the traditional single review functionality by clicking the “Return to Current Filing link”
- Pre-defined guidance will display in a blue information box at the top of the multi review box upon opening
- Users can toggle that off by clicking the “Hide Help” link
- Display Audit Log for Change Docket Date Functionality REV-903, REV-1580
- For courts configured to utilize the new Change Docket Date functionality where a reason code is required, an audit log has been added to the envelope details page under the Envelope Information section.
- Envelope details can be found on any envelope in the Review Queue, Review History, and Envelope Lookup Screens
- This information is not transmitted or displayed to filers
- For courts configured to utilize the new Change Docket Date functionality where a reason code is required, an audit log has been added to the envelope details page under the Envelope Information section.
- Revise verbiage of yellow notification regarding Redactions REV-1103
- Made minor modifications to the verbiage displayed in the yellow redaction banner for better clarification. Only applies to courts who utilize the filer redaction functionality
- Old text: One or more documents have been redacted. Please check the redactions on this document and review it OR you can edit the redactions on this document by clicking the REDACTION button in the annotations box. This opens the Redaction Editor in a separate window.
- New text: One or more documents have been redacted. Please check the redactions on this document and review it. If you have rights to edit the redactions on this document, you can click the REDACTION button in the annotations section to open the Redaction Editor in a separate window.
- Made minor modifications to the verbiage displayed in the yellow redaction banner for better clarification. Only applies to courts who utilize the filer redaction functionality
Update API messages to get Redaction configuration REV-1402
- Updates needed to support redaction functionality in review
Specifically controls the visibility of the redaction icon and indicators
- Ability to edit/manage redactions coming in a future update
- Automatically Resize Columns REV-817
- As clerks deselect columns from the review queue, the columns displaying will now resize themselves to fill the space on the screen.
- The resize is automatic and does not currently support manual resizing of columns.
- Examples below show before and after with certain columns turned off for comparison
- As clerks deselect columns from the review queue, the columns displaying will now resize themselves to fill the space on the screen.
Before the update:
After the update:
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Unexpected Character error REV-1522
- Added coding so that annotations will not cause hard errors on envelopes
Docket Date is not visible REV-1585
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the docket date not being visible on envelopes as expected
Docket date in original and copied envelope always display as the same date REV-1600
- Resolved an issue where updating the docket date on a copied envelope also updated the docket date on the original envelope
Docket date rolls back 6 hours each time it is saved REV-1607
- Resolved an issue in the save call that resulted in the docket date time being 6 hours earlier
Ensure DocketDate.ManuallySetDocketDate integrity REV-1608
- Resolved an issue that resulted in the manually set docket date flag being set to true when it was not
2021.0.0.435 – Stage Deployed 1/3/2022, Production Deployed 1/6/2022
Internal Issue
- Temporarily Disable ability to Accept and Return/Reject multiple filings at once REV-826
- Fix: The multiple accept/reject functionality described in 2012.0.0.422 has been temporarily disabled to allow for additional internal testing. This feature will be available soon.
2021.0.0.422 – Stage Deployed 12/20/2021, Production Deployed 1/6/2022
Client Reported Issues
- Verify Party screen incorrectly shows previous party information REV-1576
- Fix: Clerks will no longer see the wrong party data when using the “Verify Party” feature after having previously modified the name of another party.
New Functionality
Stamp Usability Improvements REV-1559
- Clerks now have the ability to place stamps exactly where they want to place them on a document
- Previously stamps would be placed in the middle of the document and had to be manually moved
- Once you choose a stamp it will stay highlighted and selected until you click the stamp name a second time or press the esc key
- When the stamp is selected it can be placed multiple times within the document
Provide the ability to use Shortcut / Accelerator keys REV-59
- Clerks now have the ability to quickly access buttons and controls through using Alt+Shift+(key) commands
- Review Queue
Envelope # Filter |
Alt + Shift + e |
Case # Filter |
Alt + Shift + c |
Date Range |
Alt + Shift + d |
Queues Filter |
Alt + Shift + q |
Filing Codes Filter |
Alt + Shift + i |
Case Types Filter |
Alt + Shift + t |
Locations Filter |
Alt + Shift + l |
Reset |
Alt + Shift + r |
Apply |
Alt + Shift + a |
Visible Menu |
Alt + Shift + . |
Next Page |
Alt + Shift + right arrow |
Prior Page |
Alt + Shift + left arrow |
First Page |
Alt + Shift + up arrow |
Last Page |
Alt + Shift + down |
- Review Tool
Case Info |
Alt + Shift + c |
Envelope Info |
Alt + Shift + e |
Party Info |
Alt + Shift + p |
Charges Info |
Alt + Shift + h |
Filings Info |
Alt + Shift + I |
Service Info |
Alt + Shift + s |
Fees Info |
Alt + Shift + f |
Accept Filing |
Alt + Shift + a |
Return Filing |
Alt + Shift + r |
Forward Envelope |
Alt + Shift + w |
End Review |
Alt + Shift + n |
Close Dialog |
Esc |
- Document View
Document Dropdown |
Alt + Shift + d |
Thumbnail Panel |
Alt + Shift + t |
Zoom Out |
Alt + Shift + - |
Zoom In |
Alt + Shift + + |
Zoom Dropdown |
Alt + Shift + z |
Text Annotation |
Alt + Shift + 1 |
Line Annotation |
Alt + Shift + 2 |
Highlight Annotation |
Alt + Shift + 3 |
Rotate Page |
Alt + Shift + 4 |
Next Page |
Alt + Shift + right arrow |
Prior Page |
Alt + Shift + left arrow |
Return to filer action (Proposed Orders) REV-319
- The return to filer action button is now available for clients who have the Proposed Order functionality configured
Ability to Accept and Return/Reject multiple filings at once REV-826
- Access multiple functionality option by clicking the “Select multiple filings” link
- Select Filings, Reason, and Comments to accept or reject multiple filings at once
Internal Fixes
*Note: The items below were identified during testing in internal environments*
Api/fxdfxml Same key already added exceptions REV-1524
- Added defensive code to prevent hard errors found in logs
Envelope save over triggered REV-1604
- Upon navigating away from the Envelope panel when no changes were made, the envelope will no longer attempt to save
Other Version Updates August – Sept 2021 | Oct – Dec 2021 | Jan – March 2022 | April – June 2022 | July – Dec 2022 | Jan – March 2023 | April – September 2023 | October – December 2023 | Jan – March 2024 | Current |